Friday, April 24, 2009

Being Late...

This morning, I was supposed to catch a train to New Jersey at 7:42. Not surprisingly, even though I took a cab, I didn't get to the station before 8:03.
I was dressed up, which made me happy, and had one hour left before work. So I stopped at a restaurant, and drank some coffee, slowly, taking my time to look around at the people, at the blueberry muffins, at the cappuccinos being rushed to the tables.
While I waited for my buttered toast, I opened the Clarice Lispector's book I usually have in my purse, and read the most insightful little text. I left, took the train and got off at Union Square. Instead of heading straight to work, I strolled around the farmer's market for a few minutes. Flowers, artisanal breads, huge cheeses. Even Jumbo eggs (I grinned a little then: why can't one just use two small eggs?).
Once in my office, I turned on the computer, sent my mom my morning e-mail, saying that everything is fine and have a good weekend. Then I linked to pandora, browsed through my several radios and chose Nina Simone's station. She was genius - as always. "Birds flying high you know how I feel, Sun in the sky you know how I feel, Reeds driftin on by you know how I feel... "
Earlier this morning, while I waited for my buttered toast, I read that "solitary moments of happiness can be so moving."
I wish Lispector was still alive, just so I would have a chance to ask her if even my tiny morning happiness can be, somehow, a little moving too.


  1. lovely flow ... clear sentence.. easy to feel her morning... """I was dressed up, which made me happy, and had one hour left before work"""". good job .

  2. I live for those quiet little moments. As for the eggs; did you forget you are in "America" land of the X-large and Super size. lol.
